Audio Lectures and Sermons

Bible Study and Theology by Conservative Evangelical Scholars and Teachers
(all links are off-site)

Note: By including the following link we do not imply agreement with all of the theological positions of the speakers

MP3 Links

Web-pages containing MP3 files

Do not stream, right-click to save to your computer

Apologetics and Worldview by Ravi Zacharias
Apologetics and Worldview (Part 1).MP3
Apologetics and Worldview (Part 2).MP3

Is Atheism Dead, is God Alive? by Ravi Zacharias:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

The Essence Of Apologetics by Os Guiness
Part 1: What is the essence of apologetics? (MP3)
Part 2: A Biblical basis for the essence of apologetics (MP3)
Part 3: How to communicate in apologetics (MP3)
Part 4: Persuading the hard-hearted (MP3)

The Gospel by John MacArthur
The Gospel.MP3

How to Study Your Bible by Dr. Mark Strauss
The Canon Of Scripture_Lesson_3.MP3
Bible Translation_Lesson 4.MP3
Four Key Principles Of Exegesis_Lesson_5.MP3
Exegesis Steps (1)_Lesson_6.MP3
Exegesis Steps (2)_Lesson_7.MP3
Word Studies_Lesson_8.MP3

Apologetics by Doug Groothuis
The Crisis of Truth in the Postmodern World.MP3
Short Course in Defending Christianity.MP3
The Lordship of Christ in Culture.MP3

Christ and Culture by D.A. Carson
(Five lectures delivered at Moore College, Australia)
Lecture 1.MP3
Lecture 2.MP3
Lecture 3.MP3
Lecture 4.MP3

See our Video Page

Condensed Theology NEW!
Theology Series by R.W. Glenn (also see his other Series)

Systematic Theology Class by Wayne Grudem
(Lectures at Scottsdale Bible Church)
Systematic Theology (html)

Worlwide Classroom
Courses (free Covenant Seminary MP3's and class notes)

Bob Utely

Biblical Interpretation Seminar
New Testament Commentaries
Old Testament Commentaries

Lectures on the Bible by Wayne Grudem
The Necessity of Scripture.htm
The Inerrancy of Scripture.htm
The Canon of Scripture.htm
The Authority of Scripture.htm
Sufficiency of Scripture.htm
How to Interpret the Bible.htm
Clarity of Scripture.htm

The Gospel Coalition
MP3 Courses (iTunes)

Steve Gregg Ministries NEW!
Life Of Christ
Topical Series

Verse by Verse Ministries
Bible Study MP3s

William Lane Craig
Podcasts (Apologetics and doctrine MP3's)

John Robbins
Apologetics MP3s

How to Interpret the Bible, 4 lectures by Wayne Grudem
 How to Interpret the Bible.htm

The History and Theology of Calvinism by Dr. Curt Daniel
The History and Theology of Calvinism.htm

NT Survey of the Gospels - Dr. Robert Stein
New Testament Survey - Dr. Craig Blomberg

Geneva OPC
Lecture Series

IIId Millennium Ministries
Audio/Video theology courses
Sermons page

Trinity Foundation New!

Sermons by John Murray

Sermons by Mark Dever
Various Topical sermons

Sermons by John Piper
Sermons on the NT
Sermons on the OT
Popular Sermons
T.U.L.I.P. Series

Sermons by J. I. Packer
Various Sermons

Hopewell Prebyterian (ARP)
MP3 Sermons

Sovereign Grace Fellowship
Lectures New!

Protestant Reformed Church
Sermons by PRC Ministers

Sermons by Ray Stedman
Various Sermons and Topical Messages

Messages by Dr. Samuel Lewis Johnson*
Various Series

Dr. G. K. Beale on Revelation
Revelation messages (at Lanesville Church)
Weekend Seminar on Revelation (at Desert Springs Church)

Devotions (Westminster Seminary California)
Morning Devotions

L'abri Collection
Dr. Schaeffer MP3's

More excellent audio resources at:
Reformed Theological Seminary MP3's On iTtunes
The Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Page
MP3 Library
Phil Fernandes MP3 Library
Westminster Seminary (Philadelphia) Media page
Christ Reformed Church Academy MP3s and Kim Riddlebarger page
Eternal Life Ministries Sovereign Grace Audio Treasures
The Trinity Foundation MP3 Lectures
NEXT Conference MP3 Messages
Sovereign Grace Free MP3s 
First Presbyterian Church - Jackson Ms Sermons

Capitol Hill Baptist Church Mark Dever Sermons
Christ Reformed Church audio files 

Truth For Life, 1000 free MP3s

* Speakers are dispensational but if you can ignore that there are many good messages available.