For example, suppose the chapter
studied is 1 Jno. 5. You might divide in this way:
1st Division, verses 1-3. The
Believer's Noble Parentage.
2nd Division, verses 4, 5. The Believer's Glorious Victory.
3rd Division, verses 6-10. The Believer's Sure Ground of Faith.
4th Div., verses 11, 12. The Believer's Priceless Possession.
5th Div., verse 13. The Believer's Blessed Assurance.
6th Div., verses 14, 15. The Believer's Unquestioning Confidence.
7th Div., verses 16, 17. The Believer's Great Power and Responsibility.
8th Div., verses 18, 19. The Believer's Perfect Security.
9th Div., verse 20. The Believer's Precious Knowledge.
10th Div., verse 21. The Believer's Constant Duty.
In many cases the natural divisions
will be longer than in this chapter.