Real Danger in Using Annotated Study Bibles*
Doug Kutilek
In an electronically published letter of July 12, 2008, our
friend Bob Ross of Pilgrim Publications, publisher of everything
Spurgeon, wrote--
In addition to the old standbys of the past -- such as Bullinger,
Dickson, Scofield, Newberry, Thompson, and others -- beginning at
some point in the last century, there has been an influx of
"reference Bibles" attributed to the likes of Ryrie, Dake, Rice,
Falwell, MacArthur, Sproul, Stanley, Kirban, Swaggart, Hagee,
LaHaye, Meyer, Copeland, Hinn, Swindoll, Hayford, Zodhiates,
Lucado, Blackaby, and somebody called "Rainbow." There may be
others, of course -- I am no "Google" on the matter.
I think much of this influx is due to the Publishers and/or
Printers who are willing to capitalize off the vanity of "popular"
ministers who for some reason believe their comments will inform
the reader in the "more excellent way" of understanding the
Though mentioning several editions unknown to me and several
others long-forgotten, Bob here gives a decidedly incomplete
listing. In fact, just a few days ago, I received by mail
the announcement of a new study Bible based on the ESV, which,
judging from the sample pages shown, was about two-thirds notes
and one third Bible text (more on this below). I would agree
that in part the flood of heavily-annotated study Bibles is driven
by the twin motives of a profit-seeking marketing opportunities,
and a perverse sense that the ordinary Bible reader dare not be
trusted with “just the Bible text,” without the sure guiding hand
of some “big name” preacher, televangelist or teacher to help him
believe “correctly.“ In short, the annotator’s notes are
essential, if the mere Bible reader is to be “protected from
getting the “wrong idea” by just reading the Bible itself,
“merely” enlightened by the Holy Spirit alone (by contrast, see
John 14:26; I John 2:20-21; I Corinthians 2:12).
I freely acknowledge that I did most of my earliest Bible reading
from an original Scofield reference Bible a friend gave me less
than a year after I was converted. And yes, I did learn much
of real value from the notes, but I must also say, I had to
unlearn a considerable amount that was simply not so.
Scofield’s advocacy of the gap- and day-age theories in Genesis 1
misguided me (and others) for years; and many other matters of
greater or lesser detail though once readily and trustingly
embraced had to be rejected as my understanding grew.
Indeed, whole books correcting Scofield’s manifold errors of
interpretation, explanation and understanding have been written,
and deservedly so.
But Scofield’s human fallibility is not at all unique to
himself. A close scrutiny of the annotations in every study
Bible listed above would reveal many false steps in understanding,
interpretation, explanation or emphasis (though some would
naturally be more culpable in this regard than others). And
therein is the problem--study Bible annotators, as with Bible
commentators, are hindered in their work by ignorance, prejudice,
misinformation and a thousand and one other foibles. Far
better, in my opinion, to read the unadorned, unaccompanied and
unexplained, raw Bible text, and let it speak for itself, as it
can indeed do. The famous 17th century Westminster
Confession of Faith speaks of the “perspicuity” (intelligibility)
of Scripture, thusly:
I’m not sure that the Westminster divines had in mind, among the
“ordinary means” the regular and exclusive use of study Bibles
that were more notes than text, and which stifle the Scriptures
from speaking for themselves.
And while it might seem an unnecessary admonition--one of those
“self-evident truths” of which philosophers write--, there is the
very real danger of the reader supposing that the study notes are
“Bible,” that is, that the interpretation given to the text by the
editor/annotator is as true as the text itself. “No one
would confuse them!” you might reply. To the contrary, I
recall an incident from a quarter century ago and more. Two
preacher friends of mine were having a theological discussion with
a third preacher. That preacher asserted that the Bible
taught some particular point--now long forgotten by me. Both
of my friends immediately replied, “It doesn’t say that!” So
the preacher went and fetched his annotated study Bible, turned to
a particular page, and showed them, from the footnotes, that the
Bible did in fact teach what he had affirmed! I know from my
own experience, that as a young Christian when I first used my
Scofield Bible, I accepted unquestioningly and uncritically
everything the notes said; after all, they were printed right
there in the Bible, right?
It seems that every theological faction, group, sect, and
denomination is hesitant to let people read the plan, unadorned
Biblical text, unaided by the “spin” necessary to interpret the
text from the same point of view as the annotator, and to arrive
at the same “sound” opinions. There are Catholic and
Orthodox study Bibles, with notes to explain away anything in the
text that contradicts official dogma (one Catholic-produced
edition of a Romanian NT in my possession has more notes than
text!) or the “right” explanation. There are charismatic
study Bibles that propagate and reinforce the many errors of that
movement. There are annotated Bibles from the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society (the Jehovah’s Witnesses) which teach and
re-enforce their Arian and other heresies). There are
Reformed study Bibles that explain away anything evidently
contrary to Reformed dogma. And on and on it goes. And
it seems, the more recent the study Bible, the more extensive the
notes, and the less able the reader is assumed to be to read and
think for himself, even though enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
While a study Bible or two may come in handy as a reference
work--commentary--on particular points, I think it best, and
follow as my regular practice, reading a text-only Bible. My
usual reading (besides in the originals) usually involves a
Spanish or Romanian or Latin version, but with occasionally others
thrown into the mix. Were I an English-only reader, I would
make it a point to read at least two or three good, unannotated
modern English versions (for my recommendations of which to read,
see “Which Bible for Today?” As I See It, 10:3). Yes, I like
a Bible with lots of cross references to other passages, variant
translations in the margin, variant manuscript readings (as
needed), with occasional notes on matters of weights, measures and
such, and the words of Christ in red, some maps and a brief
concordance. But I want no long and detailed notes on this
doctrine or that, from this theological point of view or
that--which are as apt to prejudice the reader as they are to
assist. In fact, I have not regularly read an
annotated reference Bible since I laid aside my old Scofield in
the mid 1970s. When I need additional information on a
passage, I turn to one of several Bible dictionaries and
encyclopedias, commentaries, or topical works. But I seek to
let the inspired text alone instruct my mind, by deliberately not
using a heavily-annotated study Bible of any kind.
Use heavily-annotated editions as you would a commentary--and only
as a commentary--but with the conscious and deliberate recognition
that they are very much the work of uninspired men, be they ever
so learned or popular or widely-published, that they are not
always right, and indeed, liable to frequently be wrong.
But as for me and my house--give me the straight text only.
I shall do my own thinking for myself, thank you.
Doug Kutilek
For further information on the
use and mis-use of Study Bibles see: Article on
Study Bibles, List of Study
Bibles, The
Bible Without Comment by William E. Cox.